According to the Igbo language Wikipedia page there are at least 40 unique dialects in the Igbo language. This leads to a lot of speech and language diversity among speakers.

The Igbo API attempts to catalog all known dialects to be as robust and true to the nature of the Igbo language by following its own list of dialects following the Wikipedia page.

Currently, the list of supported dialects includes:

    code: 'ibo-abi',
    value: ABI,
    label: 'Abịrịba',

    code: 'ibo-ach',
    value: ACH,
    label: 'Achala',

    code: 'ibo-afi',
    value: AFI,
    label: 'Afiikpo',

    code: 'ibo-aja',
    value: AJA,
    label: 'Ajalị',

    code: 'ibo-ama',
    value: AMA,
    label: 'Amaifeke',

    code: 'ibo-ana',
    value: ANA,
    label: 'Anam',

    code: 'ibo-ani',
    value: ANI,
    label: 'Anịọcha',

    code: 'ibo-awk',
    value: AWK,
    label: 'Ọkụzụ',

    code: 'ibo-bon',
    value: BON,
    label: 'Ụbanị',

    code: 'ibo-ech',
    value: ECH,
    label: 'Echee',

    code: 'ibo-egb',
    value: EGB,
    label: 'Egbema',

    code: 'ibo-ekp',
    value: EKP,
    label: 'Ẹkpẹyẹ',

    code: 'ibo-eza',
    value: EZA,
    label: 'Ezaa',

    code: 'ibo-eze',
    value: EZE,
    label: 'Ezeagu',

    code: 'ibo-ezm',
    value: 'EZM',
    label: 'Ezzamgbo',

    code: 'ibo-ihu',
    value: IHU,
    label: 'Ihuoma',

    code: 'ibo-iqw',
    value: IQW,
    label: 'Ikwo',

    code: 'ibo-isu',
    value: ISU,
    label: 'Isuama',

    code: 'ibo-izz',
    value: IZZ,
    label: 'Izii',

    code: 'ibo-mba',
    value: MBA,
    label: 'Mbaise',

    code: 'ibo-ndl',
    value: NDL,
    label: 'Ndele',

    code: 'ibo-ngw',
    value: NGW,
    label: 'Ngwa',

    code: 'ibo-nka',
    value: NKA,
    label: 'Nkanụ',

    code: 'ibo-nkp',
    value: NKP,
    label: 'Mkpọọ',

    code: 'ibo-nsa',
    value: NSA,
    label: 'Nsa',

    code: 'ibo-nsu',
    value: NSU,
    label: 'Nsụka',

    code: 'ibo-oga',
    value: OGA,
    label: 'Ọgba',

    code: 'ibo-ogk',
    value: OGK,
    label: 'Ọgbakịrị',

    code: 'ibo-ogu',
    value: OGU,
    label: 'Ugwuta',

    code: 'ibo-ohu',
    value: OHU,
    label: 'Ọhụhụ',

    code: 'ibo-oka',
    value: OKA,
    label: 'Ọka',

    code: 'ibo-oni',
    value: ONI,
    label: 'Ọnịcha',

    code: 'ibo-orl',
    value: ORL,
    label: 'Ọlụ',

    code: 'ibo-owe',
    value: OWE,
    label: 'Owere',

    code: 'ibo-obo',
    value: OBO,
    label: 'Obosi',

    code: 'ibo-ogi',
    value: OGI,
    label: 'Ogidi',

    code: 'ibo-udi',
    value: UDI,
    label: 'Udi',

    code: 'ibo-ukw',
    value: UKW,
    label: 'Ụkwụanị',

    code: 'ibo-umu',
    value: UMU,
    label: 'Ụmụahịa',

    code: 'ibo-unw',
    value: UNW,
    label: 'Unwana; Ungwana Lordji',

The Igbo API is an open-source project that is supported and pushed forward by the Igbo community. If you don’t see your own dialect represented in this list, please contact us to request your dialect.